Friday, February 26, 2016

7 Effective Ways To Make Money With Pinterest

Let’s look at some effective ways in which you can make money with Pinterest.

What are you passionate about? If people are spending money in an area you love, you can make money.
Let’s say you’re a fitness junkie. You love being fit, and staying fit. You choose a target audience: women in their twenties who want to be fit and attractive. Create a Pinterest account and boards that attract this audience.
Get followers to your boards, and create a mailing list. Some keen Pinterest users have a million followers and more. You don’t need that many followers to your account to sell to your audience. If you don’t know what to sell, don’t worry
Target a group, and build your Pinterest followers as we discussed above. Then select companies offering products that appeal to your audience. Staying with our “fitness” audience, you could approach companies that sell gym machines, or sports drinks.
Share your Pinterest account’s statistics with the companies you approach, and ask for sponsorship. Offer them a deal: they can use their branding on your account for a year.
Many companies want affiliates who will promote their products for a small commission on the sales that result. Find companies that sell products you can promote, and sign up as an affiliate. Then promote the products on your boards, using your affiliate links.
Tip: use an URL-shortening service like Bitly to manage your links. You’ll be able to track your pins and boards for the number of clicks.
Regarding spamming. Periodically Pinterest takes action against affiliate marketing spammers. If you get caught up in this, link your pins to your own website, where you can use affiliate links.
If you want to make money on Pinterest, people have to be able to find your pins and boards, so use SEO strategies. Not only will you be found on Pinterest, you’ll also be found via the major search engines, like Google.
Make the most of your “About” profile. You’ve got 200 characters (around 50 words.) Be clear and descriptive, using the keywords you expect searchers to use.
Also, use SEO strategies on your pins. Each pin allows you 500 characters (around 100 words) of description, so make the most of it by adding keywords and links. Include keywords naturally, rather than in a spammy way.
Perhaps you want to sell your own products on Pinterest. Consider creating contests. They’re popular, and can help you to make money.
However, keep in mind:
Contests are a common tactic businesses use to get people to engage with their brand, and we’ve learned a lot about how they work on Pinterest. Done well, they can be a trigger to help people think about and talk about your brand. But they can also motivate people to add Pins they aren’t truly interested in, which is why Pins from contests can often feel irrelevant and even spammy.
Pinterest guards its users’ experience. This is wonderful because it ensures that the network will continue to grow.
Pinterest is a social network, so the easiest way to get people to re-pin your pins is to be active. Pin others’ pins, particularly those people in your target audience. They will notice you, and may even start following your boards.
As Pinterest continues to grow, a small industry has developed around it, with people developing tools to help Pinterest users.
After you’ve been using Pinterest successfully for a while, consider making money by teaching your strategies to others. Create e-books and courses teaching what you’ve learned.
So there you have it: seven effective ways to make money with Pinterest. You’ll also develop further strategies of your own when you become active on the network.

1. Follow your passion, build an audience and sell to them.

2. Choose a company to promote, and ask for sponsorship.

3. Promote affiliate products.

4. Use search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to get found on Pinterest.

5. Create contests on Pinterest to sell your own products.

6. Re-pin others’ pins to win an audience and make money.

7. Make money by teaching Pinterest strategies to others.

5 tricks to Attract More visitors to Your Blog

Is it easy for people to find your blog content?
Do you want to promote your blog content to more readers?
When you blog to promote your business or industry, it’s important to make sure your content gets seen.

#1: Get Found in Search by Optimizing Your Content for SEO

If you’re going to get new visitors to your website, you want to make sure they’ll be able to find you. And one way they’ll find you is by searching for you on their search engine of choice. That’s why it’s important to optimize your content for SEO
Now let’s look what happens when we search for “social media blogs”.
google search
Google search for “social media blogs.”
In both cases, the first search result for “social media blogs” is Social Media Examiner. They’ve done SEO right by optimizing their posts so people who are looking for social media content can find them.
bing search
Before you publish a blog post, take the extra time to
  • Create a meta description.
  • Check your content for keywords.
  • Add alt text for your images.
  • Link from your blog post to other parts of your website.

#2: Post Your Content on Social Media

The most efficient way to get more people to your blog is to post your content on social media. That way your current followers will start reading your blog and they may also share your content with their own personal networks. Social media content can spread like wildfire, so it’s important to post your blog content on different social media networks.

#3: Create Interest With Engaging and Exciting Titles

We’re all human. We judge books by their covers and we judge blog posts by their titles. Knowing that, it’s important to spend some time crafting your title.
When you start writing your blog post, a working title is fine. Get the general topic of the blog post down and write your content. But before you publish it, come back to the title and think about how you can take it up a notch to make it more engaging and truly pull your reader in.
After scanning down the list of blog titles, what do you find? They use a variety of techniques. There are some blog posts with numbers such as “5 Relationship Building Tips for All Your Relationships.” Then there are others with funny and catchy titles like “Ice, Ice, Baby! How Snow Days and Talent Are Linked.” But their titles are bound to get you to click on the full blog post.
Here are a few elements that can help you create engaging blog titles.
  • Incorporate a number into your blog post. By that, I mean something like “5 Ways to do X” or “7 Steps to X”. Titles with quantitative elements attract readers.
  • If there’s data in your blog post, mention data it in your blog title.
  • Is this a breaking story? Is this new research you’re releasing? Tell your readers they’re about to read something they won’t find somewhere else.
  • Make your title catchy or quirky so the reader laughs without even reading the post. Everyone wants more humor.

    #4: Introduce Fresh Perspectives With Content From Guest Bloggers

    Having a variety of topics is important for any blog. Having a variety of blog authors who approach a business or industry from different perspectives is also beneficial for a blog. Not only can you get content creators for free, but you also get promotion from someone else to his or her audience. If bloggers are going to take the time to write content for you, they are most likely going to promote it to their network, at least through social media.

    #5: Make It Easy to Share Your Content

    If you make a task easy, odds are someone will do it. The same applies for your blog content. Prewritten emails that your readers can send to their network.
    Blog posts always end with social sharing buttons. That way, when a person reads their content, the next step will be to share it.These buttons allow readers to share the blog content with literally the click of a button. Adding buttons like this for social media and/or email can increase the traffic of your blog.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

5 Things before Hitting “Publish” on Your Next Blog Post

I feel like my idea generation is going well and that the writing and completion phases are great, but I can’t help but wonder if there is more that I should be doing after I hit publish, and wonder if you could give me some tips into what I should be doing before I move on to writing the next post.
Things I think you should do with your post to help its reach, and why I think these things are important.

1. Socialisation:

  • What social network should you choose?
  • Social sharing schedules
  • Workflow
  • Tools
  • Images
  • Repeat shares

2. SEO Optimisation

  • When to start worrying about it
  • Choosing good keywords
  • How to tweak older posts for best results

3. Repurposing

  • What exactly is it?
  • Where (and when) can you start?
  • What is worth doing?
  • Why is it worth doing?
  • The impact it has on search results
  • How it frees you up to write more
  • The risks involved
  • How to choose what to repurpose
  • Tips that will help you repurpose well
  • Successful places to repurpose
  • 4. Deepening Your Relationships – Tips on Interaction & Engagement

    • What you can do to ensure your audience aren’t just passive consumers of your content – and then click away
    • Extra tips like polls, activities, challenges, conversations and calls to action

    5. Extend Your Ideas

    • What you can do after every post that will help you devise more content to publish
    • What you can do with the tangents you find yourself going on halfway through posts
    • Find gold in your archives to inspire you
    • How to expand on previous content with the new content
    • How to brainstorm and mind map to fill your content calendar